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Pintu gerbang SMA kenangan ditutup pukul 08.00 dan siswa yang telat akan menunggu  hingga 09.00 untuk dibukakan gerbang.  Pada hari itu, Ana berangkat pukul 07.40 dari belokan 1 dengan keadaan selalu macet. Maka menunggu selama berapa menit sampai gerbang dibuka?

When a child has difficulties in growing, or failed to grow to their proper heights for their age, they are usually considered having a stunting problem.  Stunting is a type of malnutrition, and it is usually caused by poor nutrition in babies, toddlers, and even pregnant women. This issue of malnutrition typically stems from the parents not understanding the importance of breastfeeding and dietary, which is crucial to the growth of their children. They usually rely heavily of formulas which are considered lacking in nutrition for a baby compared to proper breastfeeding.

Stunting often begins in the womb due to a poor maternal diet from the mother. The symptoms however typically don’t manifest themselves until the child older at around two years old, when it becomes clear that the child is not growing as quickly as they should. This shows that the issue of stunting is a preventable one, and it should be addressed sooner since the end result is not as apparent as most health problems.

More than one in four children in Indonesia under the age of five suffers from stunting. That’s more than the population of Jakarta, or equivalent to almost two Singapores. Stunted growth is caused by a lack of adequate nutrition and results in life-long health problems, from reduced IQ to greater susceptibility to diabetes and cancer. Few people in Indonesia lack sufficient calories, but low awareness of balanced nutrition means that meals are often heavy on rice, with little protein or vegetables. In some areas, lack of clean water for sanitation and personal hygiene as well as limited access to health services can exacerbate the problem. There is also a huge economic cost, with Indonesia’s Ministry of Health estimating that the prevalence of stunting costs the country 2-3% of GDP, or as much as US$27 billion each year. The good news is that the condition is easily preventable, but a lot of work remains if Indonesia is to achieve its target of bringing stunting down from 27.7% in 2019 to 20% by 2024.

(SOURCE: https://www.tanotofoundation.org/en/news/what-is-stunting-and-why-it-matters/)

Which of the following statement is NOT true, based on the passage above?

^(1) Kelor adalah tumbuhan yang memiliki beragam manfaat sebagai bahan makanan dan obat-obatan. (2) Tumbuhan ini memiliki sifat sebagai stimulan jantung dan peredaran darah, antitumor, antihipertensi, antihiperlipidemia, antioksidan, anti diabetik, antibakteri, dan antijamur. (3) Komposisi proksimat dari kelor meliputi kadar air, kadar abu, karbohidrat, protein, dan lemak. (4) Serat pangan, yang merupakan bagian dari bahan makanan yang tidak bisa diuraikan oleh enzim-enzim pencernaan, juga merupakan komponen penting dari kelor dalam pengembangan makanan fungsional. (5) Daun kelor, yang kaya akan kandungan kimiawi penting untuk pencegahan penyakit, sering digunakan sebagai bahan obat. (6) Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan secara aman adalah dengan memperbaiki pola makan, dan American Heart Association (2008) menganjurkan konsumsi pangan fungsional. (7) Pangan fungsional mengandung komponen bioaktif seperti serat, antioksidan, dan protein, yang mampu menjaga kesehatan dan mengurangi risiko penyakit tidak menular.  (8) Daun kelor adalah salah satu sumber pangan fungsional yang kaya akan serat, antioksidan, dan protein.

Sumber: Yunita, Lina, Baiq Fitria Rahmiati, Wayan Canny Naktiany, Wiwin Lastyana, and M. Thonthowi Jauhari. “Analisis Kandungan Proksimat Dan Serat Pangan Tepung Daun Kelor Dari Kabupaten Kupang Sebagai Pangan Fungsional.” Nutriology : Jurnal Pangan,Gizi,Kesehatan 3, no. 2 (2022).

Kalimat yang tepat untuk menjelaskan kalimat (4) bacaan di atas adalah…


During the pandemic, researchers have taken full advantage of the proliferation of smartwatches, smart rings and other wearable health and wellness technology. These devices can measure a person’s temperature, heart rate, level of activity and other biometrics. With this information, researchers have been able to track and detect COVID-19 infections even before people notice they have any symptoms.

As wearable usage and adoption grew in recent years, researchers began studying the ability of these devices to monitor disease. However, although real-time data collection was possible, previous work had focused primarily on chronic diseases.

But the pandemic both served as a lens to focus many researchers in the field of health wearables and offered them an unprecedented opportunity to study real-time infectious disease detection. The number of people potentially affected by a single disease – COVID-19 – at one time gave researchers a large population to draw from and to test hypotheses on. Combined with the fact that more people than ever are using wearables with health monitoring functions and that these devices collect lots of useful data, researchers were able to try to diagnose a disease solely using data from wearables – an experiment they could only dream of before.

Wearables can detect symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses before symptoms are noticeable. While they have proved to be capable of detecting sickness early, the symptoms wearables detect are not unique to COVID-19. These symptoms can be predictive of a number of potential illnesses or other health changes, and it is much harder to say what illness a person has versus simply saying they are sick with something.

Moving into the post-pandemic world, it’s likely that more people will incorporate wearables into their lives and that the devices will only improve. I expect the knowledge researchers have gained during the pandemic on how to use wearables to monitor health will form a starting point for how to handle future outbreaks – not just of viral pandemics, but potentially of other events such as food poisoning outbreaks and seasonal flu episodes. But since wearable tech is concentrated within pockets of affluent and younger populations, the research community and society as a whole must simultaneously address the disparities that exist.

(Adapted from https://theconversation.com/)

What is the best summary of the passage?

^Meskipun brokoli mengandung vitamin K yang penting bagi kesehatan, seseorang yang mengonsumsi terlalu banyak dapat mengalami iritasi usus karena kandungan vitamin K.

Manakah pernyataan di bawah ini yang akan MEMPERLEMAH pernyataan di atas?

Pemerintah meminta masyarakat untuk mematuhi peraturan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) menyusul kasus aktif Covid-19 di Tanah Air yang saat ini tercatat setara dengan kapasitas kawasan Kompleks Monumen Nasional (Monas) dan hampir menyamai jumlah penduduk Kota Yogyakarta. Peraturan ini diharapkan akan mengurangi jumlah kasus positis yang semakin bertambah setiap harinya. “Kita tidak sedang dalam situasi normal. Hari ini 31 ribu lebih saudara kita baru saja terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 dan 728 orang meninggal dunia dalam satu hari. Kasus aktif yang kita tangani mencapai lebih dari 324 ribu. Begitu banyaknya jumlah pasien Covid-19 saat ini. Ini bisa memenuhi kapasitas kawasan Monas dan sudah mendekati jumlah penduduk Kota Jogja,” kata Juru Bicara Menko Kemaritiman dan Investasi Jodi Mahardi dalam konferensi pers virtual, Selasa. (Sumber : antaranews.com)

Kalimat utama yang terdapat pada paragraf diatas adalah…

^Perbandingan Rata-Rata Tingkat Pertumbuhan Kasus Setiap Provinsi Sebelum dan Sesudah PSBB DKI Jakarta, dalam persen.

Sumber: Kawalcovid19.id, pembaharuan data 26 April 2020, https://blog.csis.or.id/menakar-keberhasilan-psbb-dalam-penanganan-covid-19-data-dan-peringatan-bagi-pemerintah-daerah-d4a708be2ff3.

Berikut merupakan informasi yang tidak terkandung di dalam grafik, yaitu

(1) Hampir semua siswa SMA Majujaya membawa makanan dari rumah, oleh karena itu suasana di kantin sekolah sepi. (2) Program membawa makan dari rumah tidak diterapkan setiap hari, melainkan hanya hari Selasa, Rabu, dan Jumat. (3) Namun, tidak ada paksaan karena program ini bersifat imbauan. (4) Jadi, tidak ada hukuman khusus. (5) Bagi yang tidak membawa makanan dari rumah tetap bisa membeli makan di kantin sekolah.

Penggunaan tanda koma yang salah terdapat pada kalimat …

(1) Pemilih muda kelas menengah membutuhkan literasi keuangan sebagai salah satu sarana untuk mengatur anggaran keuangan di tengah lonjakan biaya hidup yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kenaikan upah minimum. (2) Namun, isu itu justru paling sedikit mengemuka dalam gagasan visi-misi calon presiden-calon wakil presiden. (Sumber bacaan : https://www.kompas.id/baca/investigasi/2024/02/19/literasi-keuangan-isu-yang-terlewat-dari-pemilu-2024?open_from=Investigasi_Page)

Kalimat manakah yang tepat sebagai kalimat inti nomor (1)?

Plastik semakin hari semakin tinggi volume penggunaannya yang jika tidak ditangani atau hanya dibiarkan menjadi sampah akan menyebabkan permasalahan bagi lingkungan dan manusia. Sampah plastik yang dibakar secara terbuka (open burning) dapat menyebabkan polusi udara yang dapat menyebabkan polusi udara yang dapat menimbulkan penyakit kanker.

Manakah pernyataan berikut yang BENAR?

(1) Nestor Rico Tambunan merupakan sastrawan Indonesia yang  bisa dikatakan berhasil dalam kariernya. (2) Menolak menjadi petani di kampung halamannya, pria kelahiran Medan, 25 Mei 1956 ini nekat merantau ke Jakarta untuk meniti kariernya. (3) Hobi membaca dan menulis sejak duduk di bangku SMP mengantarkannya memiliki imajinasi yang tinggi dalam membuat karyanya dari cerita fiksi sampai membuat skenario film layar lebar. (4) Menurutnya menulis cerita fiksi adalah hal yang mudah, karena merupakan karangan bebas. (5) Dengan menulis fiksi, dia dapat menuangkan semua ide-ide yang ada dipikirannya menjadi sebuah tulisan. (6) Ketika menempuh pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Publistik (STP) Jakarta dimanfaatkan Nestor untuk mengisi waktunya dengan menulis, belajar, dan bekerja. (7) Ditolak bukanlah akhir dari perjalanan karier, artinya kita masih perlu belajar lagi dan lebih kreatif dalam mencari ide. (8) Melalui hobi menulisnya itu, Nestor dapat menghasilkan pundi-pundi rupiah untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya selama di Jakarta. (Sumber: https://www.tagar.id/profil-nestor-tambunan-jadi-sastrawan-karena-tak-mau-bertani.)

Kalimat (6) akan menjadi sempurna jika ditulis ulang sebagai berikut …

Penulisan kalimat yang tidak sesuai PUEBI/EYD adalah …

Pemupukan secara organik menggunakan kotoran hewan (kohe) kambing lebih ramah lingkungan dibanding pupuk kimia. Namun, kohe kambing tidak bisa langsung diberikan ke tanaman karena perlu difermentasi dahulu yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 bulan (https://tanami.co.id/kohe-kambing-2/). Selain itu, penggunaan kohe kambing sebagai pupuk juga tidak boleh berlebihan karena jika unsur tanah yang hilang dapat menyebabkan tanaman mati (https://www.asterra.id/artikel/manfaat-pupuk-kohe-kambing/).

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, manakah pernyataan yang PASTI SALAH?

Kasus penularan Covid-19 di Indonesia kembali mencatatkan rekor pada Selasa ini dengan penambahan sebesar 31.189 orang. Jumlah penderita infeksi virus corona yang meninggal dunia bertambah 728 orang. Ada pun jumlah kasus aktif yang mencakup penderita Covid-19 yang masih menjalani perawatan dan isolasi mandiri, tercatat bertambah 14.598 menjadi total 324.597 kasus aktif. Jodi menuturkan, hingga Senin (5/7), lebih dari 46,5 juta dosis vaksin telah diberikan kepada sekitar 32,4 juta orang yang telah menerima vaksin dosis pertama dan sekitar 14,1 juta orang yang mendapatkan vaksin dosis kedua. Ia pun meminta masyarakat yang belum divaksinasi untuk segera mendaftarkan diri. (Sumber : antaranews.com)

Gagasan utama paragraf diatas adalah….

During the pandemic, researchers have taken full advantage of the proliferation of smartwatches, smart rings and other wearable health and wellness technology. These devices can measure a person’s temperature, heart rate, level of activity and other biometrics. With this information, researchers have been able to track and detect COVID-19 infections even before people notice they have any symptoms.

As wearable usage and adoption grew in recent years, researchers began studying the ability of these devices to monitor disease. However, although real-time data collection was possible, previous work had focused primarily on chronic diseases.

But the pandemic both served as a lens to focus many researchers in the field of health wearables and offered them an unprecedented opportunity to study real-time infectious disease detection. The number of people potentially affected by a single disease – COVID-19 – at one time gave researchers a large population to draw from and to test hypotheses on. Combined with the fact that more people than ever are using wearables with health monitoring functions and that these devices collect lots of useful data, researchers were able to try to diagnose a disease solely using data from wearables – an experiment they could only dream of before.

Wearables can detect symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses before symptoms are noticeable. While they have proved to be capable of detecting sickness early, the symptoms wearables detect are not unique to COVID-19. These symptoms can be predictive of a number of potential illnesses or other health changes, and it is much harder to say what illness a person has versus simply saying they are sick with something.

Moving into the post-pandemic world, it’s likely that more people will incorporate wearables into their lives and that the devices will only improve. I expect the knowledge researchers have gained during the pandemic on how to use wearables to monitor health will form a starting point for how to handle future outbreaks – not just of viral pandemics, but potentially of other events such as food poisoning outbreaks and seasonal flu episodes. But since wearable tech is concentrated within pockets of affluent and younger populations, the research community and society as a whole must simultaneously address the disparities that exist.

(adapted from : https://theconversation.com)

Based on the passage, paragraph 1 most likely discusses….

Penulisan kalimat yang tidak sesuai PUEBI/EYD adalah …

^Pembuatan 180 biskuit ukuran kecil memerlukan x kg adonan. Untuk membuat 300 biskuit dengan ukuran tiga kali biskuit kecil diperlukan adonan sebanyak…kg

Penggunaan tanda baca yang benar adalah …

Jumlah pengunjung di sebuah warung makan mengalami kenaikan 25% pada hari Minggu dibandingkan hari Sabtu. Sedangkan untuk hari biasa membentuk sebuah pola khusus. Jumlah pengunjung berturut-turut mulai hari Senin adalah 278 , 262, 271, 255, 264 maka jumlah pengunjung pada hari Minggu adalah …

^(1) Status gizi pada anak balita memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap tingkat kesehatan dan harapan hidup, yang tercermin dalam Human Development Index (HDI). (2) HDI merupakan indikator komposit yang melibatkan usia harapan hidup, tingkat pendidikan, dan pendapatan, dengan salah satu aspek pengukuran gizi masyarakat. (3) Menurut data dari WHO tahun 2019, sekitar 13,6 juta anak meninggal setiap tahunnya akibat kekurangan gizi di seluruh dunia, dengan mayoritas korban berusia di bawah 5 tahun. (4) Di Indonesia, masalah gizi menjadi penyebab lebih dari 80% kematian anak. (5) Gangguan gizi pada balita dipengaruhi oleh sejumlah faktor, baik faktor langsung maupun tidak langsung. (6) Faktor langsung termasuk ketidaksesuaian antara asupan gizi yang diterima dari makanan dengan kebutuhan tubuh mereka, sementara faktor tidak langsung mencakup pengetahuan dan sikap ibu terhadap gizi balita.
Sumber: Winengsih, Ecih. “Gambaran Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Ibu Tentang Status Gizi Balita Di Desa Mandalamukti Kecamatan Cikalong Wetan.” Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan 14, no. 1 (2022).
Bentuk aktif dari kalimat (5) adalah…

Sebagian mahasiswa mengalami peningkatan kecemasan jika mereka efikasi diri. Kondisi tersebut terjadi ketika mahasiswa tidak memiliki kemampuan beradaptasi pada kondisi yang memiliki tekanan.

Manakah simpulan berikut yang BENAR?

^Semakin banyak individu yang melakukan vaksin di sebuah daerah atau negara, maka Herd Immunity akan tercapai, sehingga meminimalisir risiko paparan dan mutasi dari virus Covid-19. Dengan adanya informasi diatas, diharapkan masyarakat akan mendapatkan kesadaran bersama tentang penting nya melakukan vaksinasi di tengah pandemi yang melanda saat ini.

Sumber: Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, https://yankes.kemkes.go.id/view_artikel/492/apa-manfaat-vaksinasi-covid-19.

Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, manakah pernyataan berikut yang PASTI SALAH?

J. Habibie, in full Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie, (born June 25, 1936, Parepare, Indonesia—died September 11, 2019, Jakarta), Indonesian aircraft engineer and politician who was presidentof Indonesia(1998–1999) and a leader in the country’s technological and economic development in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Brilliant in science and mathematics from childhood, Habibie received his postsecondary education at the Bandung Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, and furthered his studies at the Institute of Technology of North Rhine–Westphalia in Aachen, West Germany. After graduating in 1960, he remained in West Germany as an aeronautics researcher and production supervisor.

(paragraph 3) Suharto took power as Indonesia’s second president in 1966, and in 1974 he asked Habibie—whom he had known for 25 years—to return to the country to help build advanced industries. Suharto assured him that he could do whatever was needed to accomplish that goal. Initially assigned to the state oil company, Pertamina, Habibie became a government adviser and chief of a new aerospace company in 1976. Two years later he became research minister and head of the Agency for Technology Evaluation and Application. In these roles he oversaw a number of ventures involving the production and transportation of heavy machinery, steel, electronics and telecommunications equipment, and arms and ammunition.

Habibie believed his enterprises ultimately would spawn high-tech ventures in the private sector and allow the country to climb the technology ladder. In 1993 he unveiled the first Indonesian-developed plane, which he helped design, and in the following year he launched a plan to refurbish more than three dozen vessels bought from the former East German navy at his initiative. The Finance Ministry balked at the cost of the latter endeavour, while the armed forces thought that its turf had been violated. Nevertheless, Habibie got more than $400 million for refurbishing.

Meanwhile, in 1990 Habibie was appointed head of the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association, and during the 1993 central-board elections of the country’s ruling party, Golkar, Habibie helped the children and allies of President Suharto rise to top positions, easing out long-standing military-backed power brokers. By the late 1990s Habibie was viewed as one of several possible successors to the aging Suharto.

(Adapted from https://www.britannica.com)

In paragraph 3, each of the following is mentioned as career position of Habibie, EXCEPT ….

^(1) Polusi adalah kondisi dimana lingkungan terkontaminasi oleh zat-zat yang dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia, kualitas hidup, atau ekosistem alami. (2) Salah satu jenis polusi yang semakin menjadi perhatian dalam beberapa dekade terakhir adalah polusi udara. (3) Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), polusi udara mencakup kontaminasi udara baik di dalam ruangan maupun di luar ruangan oleh zat-zat kimia, fisika, atau biologis yang mengubah sifat alami atmosfer. (4) Lebih dari 91% penduduk dunia tinggal di daerah dengan udara yang tidak sehat, melebihi standar yang dianjurkan oleh WHO. (5)  Menurut laporan State of Global Air 2019 dari Health Effects Institute (HEI), polusi udara, termasuk Particulate Matter (PM), ozon, dan polusi udara dalam ruangan, adalah salah satu penyebab utama kematian di seluruh dunia, menempati peringkat kelima.

(6) Penggunaan masker sangat penting untuk melindungi diri dan orang lain dari penularan penyakit, terutama dalam situasi polusi.(7) Di kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik, Indonesia menempati peringkat kedua dalam jumlah kematian akibat polusi udara dalam ruangan yang disebabkan oleh pembakaran bahan bakar padat. (8) Penelitian klinis dan epidemiologi telah menyoroti dampak buruk polutan lingkungan terhadap kesehatan, terutama pada sistem pernapasan dan jantung.

Sumber: Hidajat, Dedianto, Febry Gilang Tilana, and I Gusti Bagus Surya Ari Kusuma. “Dampak Polusi Udara Terhadap Kesehatan Kulit.” Unram Medical Journal 12, no. 4 (2023).

Kalimat yang tidak berkaitan dengan gagasan utama bacaan adalah kalimat…


Semua anggota OSIS adalah siswa kelas X dan XI
Beberapa anggota OSIS adalah siswa pilihan

Simpulan yang tepat dari dua pernyataan tersebut adalah …

Around 1.63 million Indonesians fell into poverty in March compared with September last year as the COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on the poor across the country, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Wednesday. The poverty rate rose to 9.78 percent in March from 9.22 percent in September, BPS reported, as 26.42 million people were living below the poverty line as of March. “The COVID-19 pandemic is taking a great toll on economic activity and adversely affecting people’s livelihoods,” said BPS head Suhariyanto in a virtual press briefing on Wednesday. “This pandemic is hitting the public hard, especially poorer communities.”

The rise in staple prices played a huge role in the poverty rate, he went on to say, pointing to the rice price as the biggest factor, followed by cigarettes, poultry and instant noodles. The national poverty line is set at Rp 2.1 million (US$145.80) of income per family per month, with the highest poverty rate recorded in Papua with 26.6 percent of the total population and the lowest poverty rate was recorded in Bali (3.78 percent). The pandemic is ravaging the economy as the government expects 4 million people to fall below the poverty line this year, making for a total of 28 million poor in the nation, or around 10.6 percent of the population. Some 5.5 million people may lose their jobs this year, raising the number of total unemployed to 12.7 million people, according to estimates by National Development Planning Minister Suharso Monoarfa recently.

The job losses translate to losses in income and weaker consumer spending, threatening the country’s economy as more than half of its gross domestic product (GDP) comes from household spending. In line with the rising poverty rate, the Gini ratio, which reflects inequality, rose to 0.381 in March, from 0.380 in September last year, as the gap between the rich and the poor remained high amid the pandemic. According to data from the Finance Ministry, 70 percent of workers with monthly salaries up to Rp 1.8 million lost their income during the pandemic, while only 30 percent of workers with incomes up to Rp 7.2 million lost theirs, as the pandemic took a greater toll on low-income households. The government is allocating a Rp 695.2 trillion stimulus package to prevent greater economic fallout and to cushion the pandemic’s blow on poor communities by strengthening social safety net programs and the country’s healthcare system.

(Source: Adrian Wail Akhlas (The Jakarta Post) https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/07/15/poverty-rate-rises-in-march-as-pandemic-hits-vulnerable-communities.html

Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

Rendi menarik meja= mavades ymv zwyoi
Meja Sabil ditarik Devo = vvoq maiddes ymv fqeo
Maka “ Rendi menarik Sabil” dapat ditulis sebagai….
