

Tes Skolastik + Penalaran Matematika + Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia + Literasi dalam Bahasa Indonesia

There is a saying by Confucius that goes like this, “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” He might be referring to your heart in a more emotional sense, but the sentiment retains its meaning that all of your heart is what makes your body and your mind perform every day. The titular organ the size of a human fist, your heart, is one of the most critical vital organs within your body. It is located slightly below the left side of your ribs, and its main job is to pump blood through your body with its every beat. This system is commonly known as your circulation system.

Sometimes, when you take the time to listen, you can hear your heart beat at a consistent rate. Did you know that every time it beats, your heart pumps blood? Those beats are pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood daily; you can notice it by feeling the veins in your wrist or even in the side of your neck. These beats are the sound of your heart valve opening up and closing as it pumps gallons of blood throughout your body.

Your heart is made up of four chambers: the left and right atriums, which are the upper, smaller chambers, and the left and right ventricles, which are the lower, bigger chambers. They begin in the arteries, where they pump out oxygen-fueled blood all over your body. They branch ever further from the heart, such as your limbs, and are directed through your veins. As your brain and body use up oxygen to function, the blood is directed back to your heart through the right side. From here, your heart pumps the blood into the lungs, where they pick up oxygen supply in there, and then they are redirected back to the left side of the heart, ready to be sent back to the body once again.

The heart beats many times, every time. In a healthy person, the heart typically beats at around 60 to 100 beats per minute. The beats may decrease or increase depending on what you are currently doing. For example, the heart beats a lot faster when you make it work harder, such as by doing exercises, or it could beat a lot slower when you are about to go to sleep. To ensure the heart beats at the proper rhythm, the four chambers in your heart have to perform appropriately and regularly.

(sources : https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/heart-and-blood-vessels/about-the-heart/understanding-how-your-heart-functions, https://www.heartfoundation.org.nz/your-heart/how-the-heart-works, https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/how-a-healthy-heart-works)

Which of the following statement is NOT true based on the passage?

People who suffered allergic reactions after receiving the first dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine have been invited to take the Sinovac vaccine, Senior Minister of State for Health Janil Puthucheary said in Parliament on Monday (Aug 2). People who receive COVID-19 jabs in such a manner will be considered fully vaccinated. The Ministry of Health (MOH) has established a public health program for these people to be vaccinated at clinics in public hospitals for closer monitoring, given their previous allergic reaction, said Dr Puthucheary.

Dr Puthucheary was responding to MP Gerald Giam who asked how individuals who have allergic reactions to their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be able to attain fully vaccinated status. In response to media queries, MOH said on Monday night that those who have received one dose of an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine but are “medically unable” to receive a second dose due to allergic reactions may choose to wait for the non-mRNA vaccines that the ministry plans to bring in for use in the national vaccination program.

If such individuals wish to receive the Sinovac vaccine under the special access route, they can do so through the dedicated program, said MOH in its clarification. This program was established at the start of July for them to be vaccinated at a public hospital for closer monitoring of any side effects. This is in consideration of their previous allergic reaction and a lack of data on the safety profile of receiving the Sinovac vaccine after one dose of an mRNA vaccine. These people will receive two doses of the Sinovac vaccine, said MOH.

As of Jul 28, MOH has contacted about 5,000 such individuals. Of these, more than 2,000 of them have indicated their interest in the program. “In view that the persons participating in the program would have received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, they will be regarded as being fully vaccinated. “MOH will work with these individuals to monitor their immunity responses, and better understand such heterologous vaccination strategies,” said the Health Ministry.

Responding to another question from Mr Giam on the progress of the regulatory approval for the Novavax vaccine, Dr Puthucheary said that those who are allergic to the mRNA vaccines may also choose to wait for the Novavax vaccine that MOH has procured and expects to be delivered by the end of the year. MOH and the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) are working closely with Novavax to facilitate the regulatory submission for their vaccine, he said.

Singapore authorities had signed an advance purchase agreement with Novavax for its vaccine – a non-mRNA vaccine that has demonstrated high efficacy against the COVID-19 virus – in January this year. “The review timeline will depend on the availability and submission of data by the company to HSA. While we recognise the need to facilitate timely access to the vaccine, there should be no compromise on the scientific rigor of the assessment of their quality, safety, and efficacy,” he said.

(Source: https://www.channelnewsasia.com)

What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

Pernyataan yang benar dari data di atas adalah …

Table Potential Diseases from Animals and Precautions


Based on the table above, which of the following statements is incorrect?


Ketimpangan akses pendidikan terjadi antara kelompok sosial ekonomi yang berbeda. Anak-anak dari keluarga miskin sering mengalami kesulitan dalam mengakses pendidikan yang berkualitas. Mereka mungkin tidak mampu membeli buku pelajaran, seragam sekolah, atau bahkan membayar biaya sekolah. Ketimpangan ini memperburuk siklus kemiskinan dan menghambat mobilitas sosial.

Berdasarkan informasi di atas, manakah pernyataan di bawah ini yang BENAR?

A popular form of diet that has been implemented by health-conscious people is the DASH diet. Shortened from Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, the Dash diet is an eating plan designed to prevent and treat hypertension in people. The diet consists of foods that are rich in potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are proven to be helpful in controlling blood pressure. The diet also limits the intake of foods that are abundant in sodium, added sugars, and saturated fats. This diet is popular because it has proven to be effective. Several studies show that people going through it have lower blood pressure in as little as two weeks. The diet also lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is often known as “bad cholesterol.” High blood pressure and LDL cholesterol are commonly known as the two major risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

Compared to a typical American diet, The DASH diet is lower in sodium intake. The typical American food intake can include a whopping 3,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium or more a day. The standard DASH diet limits sodium to 2,300 mg a day. It meets the recommendation from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to keep daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg a day. That’s roughly the amount of sodium in 1 teaspoon of table salt. A lower sodium version of DASH restricts sodium to 1,500 mg a day. This way, a person can choose the version of the diet that meets their health needs. You are advised to talk to your doctor if you aren’t sure what sodium level is right for you.

The DASH diet is considered a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps create an eating style for life that is healthy for the heart. It’s easy to follow since you can make do with foods found at your grocery store. The DASH diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. It includes fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, and nuts. It limits foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats and full-fat dairy products. When following the DASH diet, it is imperative to choose foods that are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and protein, low in saturated fat, and low in sodium.

(SOURCE: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/dash-diet/art-20048456/)

Which of the following statements are not correct based on the following passage?

When it comes to the topic of blood deficiency, most people would immediately think of anemia. Indeed, in most research and case studies, anemia is identified as a deficiency in the number or quality of red blood cells in your body. When a person is considered anemic, they usually mean that either the level of their red blood cells is inadequate, or the level of the hemoglobin is lower than normal. When a person has anemia, their heart has to work harder to pump the quantity of blood needed to get enough oxygen around their body.

Although anemia is a result of malfunctioning within the body, it is not considered a disease. It is actually quite common in females. Around one in every five women are identified as anemic, as one estimate suggested. Moreover, anemia can occur during heavy exercise when the cells became unable to carry enough oxygen within the body and the person may experience exhaustion and dizziness.

Red blood cells are cells that are produced in the bone marrow and distributed all over the body. They typically have a life span of about 120 days. The red blood cells are always produced by the bone marrow to replace old ones; around millions of new red blood cells enter the bloodstream each day within a healthy person. In order to maintain these red blood cell productions, you need certain nutrients in your diet. The bone marrow needs a steady supply of iron and vitamins, and an insufficient diet of iron will cause the body to draw them instead from your liver. If this reservoir is depleted, the red blood cells may not be able to carry oxygen within the body effectively.

Each red blood cell contains a protein called hemoglobin, and this protein is what gives red blood cells their red color. Red blood cells carry oxygen around your body using it and they are created from the bone marrow. Oxygen molecules absorbed in the lungs attach themselves to hemoglobin, which is then delivered to all parts of the body. All of the body’s cells need oxygen to live and perform their various duties. If these are not within acceptable levels, a person may experience issues and these issues are what causing a person to become anemic.

(SOURCE: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/anaemia)

According to the passage above, which of these statements are correct?


(1) Nestor Rico Tambunan merupakan sastrawan Indonesia yang  bisa dikatakan berhasil dalam kariernya. (2) Menolak menjadi petani di kampung halamannya, pria kelahiran Medan, 25 Mei 1956 ini nekat merantau ke Jakarta untuk meniti kariernya. (3) Hobi membaca dan menulis sejak duduk di bangku SMP mengantarkannya memiliki imajinasi yang tinggi dalam membuat karyanya dari cerita fiksi sampai membuat skenario film layar lebar. (4) Menurutnya menulis cerita fiksi adalah hal yang mudah, karena merupakan karangan bebas. (5) Dengan menulis fiksi, dia dapat menuangkan semua ide-ide yang ada dipikirannya menjadi sebuah tulisan. (6) Ketika menempuh pendidikan di Sekolah Tinggi Publistik (STP) Jakarta dimanfaatkan Nestor untuk mengisi waktunya dengan menulis, belajar, dan bekerja. (7) Ditolak bukanlah akhir dari perjalanan karier, artinya kita masih perlu belajar lagi dan lebih kreatif dalam mencari ide. (8) Melalui hobi menulisnya itu, Nestor dapat menghasilkan pundi-pundi rupiah untuk mencukupi kebutuhan hidupnya selama di Jakarta. (Sumber: https://www.tagar.id/profil-nestor-tambunan-jadi-sastrawan-karena-tak-mau-bertani.)

Kata yang harus dihilangkan pada kalimat (8) adalah….

Kelas menengah dengan status menikah ataupun lajang sering dianggap boros karena konsumtif. Padahal uangnya memang habis untuk biaya hidup. Mereka berjuang untuk menghidupi diri sendiri dan keluarga dengan gaji terbatas. (Diadaptasi dari https://www.kompas.id/artikel/mengenal-kisah-kelas-menengah-lajang-dan-berkeluarga-di-jabodetabek?open_from=Investigasi_Page)

Bacaan di atas perlu disempurnakan dengan cara …

Dalam acara vaksinasi yang digelar oleh Pemerintah Kota Majujaya diikuti oleh 640 orang. Jumlah perempuan sebanyak 360 orang. Setengah dari perempuan dan 1/2 dari laki-laki berusia 35 tahun ke bawah. Jika ada 2 hadiah untuk peserta terpilih. Berapa peluang terpilih 2 orang pemenang dari usia diatas 35 tahun ?

The deadly epidemic of Monkeypox is not a recent discovery. Since it was first discovered in 1958 at a laboratory in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, the disease was traced back to the imported monkeys that hailed from Singapore. Despite the disease first coming from these primates, the spill-over effect had taken into effect when a young boy in the Democratic Republic of Congo has been found infected by it. At the time, doctors are unable to figure out whether the boy had previously come into direct contact with the infected monkeys or not. Although he initially recovered from the disease, the boy sadly passed away due to contracting measles a few days later.

The first thing everyone should know about Monkeypox is that it has very little to do with monkeys. “It was first discovered in monkeys in a laboratory setting in Denmark, it does infect monkeys and has been isolated from monkeys, but they’re not the primary reservoir for the disease,” says Sagan Friant, an anthropologist at Pennsylvania State University in the United States. “We think of a reservoir as an animal that can transmit the disease but does not suffer or die from it.”

“For a long time, scientists thought that diseases in primates were the most threatening to humans because of our close similarity genetically, and that’s true,” she says. “But we’re realizing that infectious diseases from rodents and bats are of increasing importance when we’re thinking about spill-over of new diseases into human populations.” Infections that pass from animals to humans are known as zoonotic diseases. Some of these also have the ability to pass from human to human once they make the jump across species. In that respect, monkeypox has some similarities to Covid-19. But it’s been around a lot longer than the coronavirus behind the recent pandemic.

 (SOURCE: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220801-what-is-monkeypox-and-why-is-it-spreading)

The word “reservoir” from the sentence “but they’re not the primary reservoir  has the closest meaning to…


Jika siswa tidak giat belajar maka nilainya kurang dari KKM
Nilainya melampaui KKM atau mengikuti perbaikan nilai

Simpulan yang tepat dari dua pernyataan tersebut adalah …

Semua anggota OSIS adalah siswa kelas X dan XI
Beberapa anggota OSIS adalah siswa pilihan

Simpulan yang tepat dari dua pernyataan tersebut adalah …

Jumlah pengunjung di sebuah warung makan mengalami kenaikan 25% pada hari Minggu dibandingkan hari Sabtu. Sedangkan untuk hari biasa membentuk sebuah pola khusus. Jumlah pengunjung berturut-turut mulai hari Senin adalah 278 , 262, 271, 255, 264 maka jumlah pengunjung pada hari Minggu adalah …

Ahli lingkungan A menyatakan, “Sedotan stainless steel menjadi solusi untuk mengurangi sampah sedotan plastik”

Ahli lingkungan B menyatakan, “Produksi sedotan stainless steel menghasilkan emisi karbon dioksida terbesar daripada bahan lain”

Data menunjukkan penggunaan sedotan stainless steel meningkat karena harganya yang terjangkau.

Manakah pernyataan berikut yang PALING TEPAT mengenai data tersebut?

Table List of Children Growth Spurts (Height and Weight)


Based on the graph above, which of the following statements is correct?

1) When a child has difficulties in growing, or failed to grow to their proper heights for their age, they are usually considered having a stunting problem.  Stunting is a type of malnutrition, and it is usually caused by poor nutrition in babies, toddlers, and even pregnant women. This issue of malnutrition typically stems from the parents not understanding the importance of breastfeeding and dietary, which is crucial to the growth of their children. They usually rely heavily of formulas which are considered lacking in nutrition for a baby compared to proper breastfeeding.

2) Stunting often begins in the womb due to a poor maternal diet from the mother. The symptoms however typically don’t manifest themselves until the child older at around two years old, when it becomes clear that the child is not growing as quickly as they should. This shows that the issue of stunting is a preventable one, and it should be addressed sooner since the end result is not as apparent as most health problems.

3) More than one in four children in Indonesia under the age of five suffers from stunting. That’s more than the population of Jakarta, or equivalent to almost two Singapores. Stunted growth is caused by a lack of adequate nutrition and results in life-long health problems, from reduced IQ to greater susceptibility to diabetes and cancer. Few people in Indonesia lack sufficient calories, but low awareness of balanced nutrition means that meals are often heavy on rice, with little protein or vegetables. In some areas, lack of clean water for sanitation and personal hygiene as well as limited access to health services can exacerbate the problem. There is also a huge economic cost, with Indonesia’s Ministry of Health estimating that the prevalence of stunting costs the country 2-3% of GDP, or as much as US$27 billion each year. The good news is that the condition is easily preventable, but a lot of work remains if Indonesia is to achieve its target of bringing stunting down from 27.7% in 2019 to 20% by 2024.

(SOURCE: https://www.tanotofoundation.org/en/news/what-is-stunting-and-why-it-matters/)

The main topic of the 3rd paragraph is…

Rendi menarik meja= mavades ymv zwyoi
Meja Sabil ditarik Devo = vvoq maiddes ymv fqeo
Maka “ Rendi menarik Sabil” dapat ditulis sebagai….

Berdasarkan kasus kanker di Indonesia 2020, berikut ini adalah informasi yang terdapat pada grafik di bawah adalah …
